Leadership Development Coach: Kathy Archer
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What your peers have to say:
Read it! You are absolutely worth it! Straight-forward and clear, Kathy provides a path forward for mastering confidence. Her real-life accounts are relate-able and helped me acknowledge my own stories to find my way forward. She includes exercises that I highly recommend that you do...they will reveal your personal path forward. Her definitions helped me get clarity on my own thoughts and actions and how they drive my personal confidence or erode it. Darlene Hampson Pushing my limits! Kathy gently pushed the limitations I had set up in my life. This allowed me to think and act differently. I am much quicker to recognize those self-imposed limitations and take action. I recognize procrastination a lot quicker and trust my own intuition. To be able to develop the ability to set goals has impacted my life immensely. Through the work with Kathy, I was able to set goals that I valued, not what others were telling me to value. As much as I may have struggled, I was able to look back at those goals and recognize that I had completed quite a few of my short term goals and made significant strides in my long term goals. I never thought that I would be where I am right now, and look forward to what life has to offer. I cannot thank Kathy enough for this! Anna Olson |
My inner perspective changed, and my outlook improved. While I am always self-reflective, Kathy's coaching helped me reach deeper to grasp a better understanding of my character, values, courage and areas where my courage is lacking.
Kathy has been there too! She communicates in a personal way and encourages open dialogue. She unravels the ball by breaking what seems impossible into bite-sized pieces. She is empathetic and goes beyond feeling and understanding to mentoring through real examples, tools and repetitive core information that can be applied in most situations. If you are a learner, someone how wants to grow, and an inclusive atmosphere, Kathy is your gal. :)) Katherine My anxiety is decreased I know life is more positive. I still have to deal with those who have bullied me every day but I do not have the same anger toward them. I have better acceptance of myself and direction as to how and where I want to spend my energy. that is not to waste it thinking about them and giving my power away. Anonymous |