Your job as a leader is to do more than survive each day. I know, that sounds crazy. You're probably saying, Kathy, my only goal is to get through today! My guess is you get up many mornings and say a little prayer: "God, just get me through this day, this meeting, this trip...."
You were not meant just to survive leadership and life. You ARE meant to thrive!
Yes, some days will be tough, in fact, many days will be difficult, stressful and downright ugly! I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's part of life. Struggle, suffering and stress will never go away. What you can change, is how you interact with struggle, suffering and stress.
We need to relax, renew and recharge See, here's the thing. Good times, easy days and carefree moments don't develop you. The relax, renew and recharge you. They are necessary, but they don't develop you. We need to grow and develop:Think of a diamond. It comes into being because of the pressure it experiences.The same is true with a pearl. It is the constant friction that polishes it. The pressure you are under, the constant friction you experience, is what is creating you...your character. We need to focus on who we are and who we are becoming: It is how you choose to respond (not react) to struggle, suffering and stress that creates both:
It's all about ....growing your character When you move into thriving, you are consciously developing (rather than leaving it up to chance) your character. Character development (yours) is the subject of the book I am working on. This quick overview of the book will give you a head start on developing your character.
Steps for developing your character.
You don't have just to survive every day my dear! You can thrive in both your leadership and your life! You get to choose! What choice do you make today? If you want to discover how other women are doing this, listen into this video series about cultivating your character. 6 women, talk about what it's like to cultivate character as a woman leader. You'll find so much value and practical advice. Tune in here the Cultivating Your Character Video Series
Temperance is a virtue. It's one of the 7 virtues listed on the VIA Signature strengths list. Leader's who are temperate leaders conduct them selves in a calm and composed manner. Do you?
Have you ever been treated unfairly? Has someone ever treated you unfairly?
Being treated unfairly or being accused of being unfair is not a good feeling is it? Fairness, justice and the ability to lead well are all leadership characteristics we admire. This week I unpack the virtue of JUSTICE Justice describes strengths that make life fair. They are broadly interpersonal and describe the best interaction between the individual and a group or community. For this the virtue of justice, we will talk about these character traits
Tune in here to learn how you can cultivate the virtues of justice and be a fair leader - - ->
This week I unpack the virtue of humanity
Humanity describes strengths that manifest in caring relationships with others. You know, being human in leadership! We are kind of like robots. We focus so much on the tasks and only focus on relationship when we have time. Humanity is needed! These traits are interpersonal and are mostly relevant in one-on-one relationships. Humanity covers the character traits of
Do you hit "Like" when you see a good post? Do you share some that really move you? Me too! I love ones that just stand out in the newsfeed.
We skim, scroll and scan through our news feed looking to feel better. Here's the catch. It's a quick high that doesn't last. When we flip through our social media accounts, we look at the world through blurry eyes...not really seeing people or our role in it. What's more, we look at it and say, "Yeah...
Wistfully after a few minutes, we move away from the newsfeed and back to reality. Nothing's changed. Re-read those three comments in italics above again. Did you notice anything? They all they blame out there....on someone else, the world or a lack of time. We are in victim mode when we see them and feel like we can't have that. That victim mode is why we head back to work, unchanged. It's because we have not taken responsibility for change. Instead, we need to see the posts and ask what the message or lesson for ourselves in it:
When we look at social media posts and flip them back to action we can take in the moment, social media has the power to change our experience and that of those around us. Ask this question So next time you see a post that moves you, ask yourself: How can I apply this message or lesson in my leadership today?
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February 2025