Do you ever feel like you don’t understand someone? Worse, do you ever find that you can’t fathom why on earth you did what you just did? Many of us don’t understand why we reacted the way we do, feel the bizarre emotions that we can’t seem to control and struggle to make sense of how we tick.
That my dear is why you need to increase your self-awareness!
Leadership Competencies
Over the last few weeks in the Excellence in Leadership series, we have been focusing improving yourself so that you can be an A+ Lady Leader. I’ve asked you to consider the skills you need to work on, to have the impact you desire. These skills hail from The Leadership Circle Profile. This assessment is a 360 tool I use with my Lady Leaders who join the Women with Grit Program. The Leadership Circle measures a set of well-researched competencies that gauge how leaders achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance their own development, act with integrity, and encourage and improve organizational systems.
Are they crazy or are you crazy?
We spend a lot of time trying to figure other people out, why they drive us crazy, and how to motivate them. It seems that many of us spend less time trying to grasp what is happening inside of us and how that sways our outer performance, and then how all of that circles around and influences our feelings and moods. Taking the time to do this grows your self-awareness and is a vital skill that effective leaders hone. You're not crazy - You just need to be more self-aware To increase your self-awareness, The Leadership Circle has identified four competencies. Developing yourself in these areas will help you to acquire high-level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Yes, this work does require a commitment to ongoing growth and development. If you are up for that, then let’s look at the four areas.
When people stop growing, they tend to lose their zest for life. Being stuck or feeling stagnant or frustrated is often a sign you haven't done enough learning lately. Self-awareness is growing from the inside out. To build your self-awareness, create habits of self-reflective practice such as:
Want to learn more? You can learn more about increasing your self-awarness by listening to this session. Then, consider where you need to start by doing the mini assessment found when you download the guide here
Can they trust you? The #1 thing people are looking for in their leader is authenticity and integrity. You need to be real, and you need to be honest. Your followers want to know that they can trust you. Authentic leadership means that you are leading authentically with courage and leading with high integrity. How do you measure up? Leadership Competencies Over the last few weeks in the Excellence in Leadership series, we have been focusing improving yourself so that you can be an A+ Lady Leader. I’ve asked you to consider the skills you need to work on, to have the impact you desire. These skills hail from The Leadership Circle Profile. Authentically Leading begins with you This week’s focus has turned to leading with authenticity and integrity. Authentic leadership is not masked by organizational politics. It is not when you are worried about looking good or focused on winning approval and being liked. Authentic leadership is the willingness to act with integrity and to courageously tell the truth, even when it is risky. According to TLC, authentic leadership is made up of 2 core skills. The skills an authentic leader possesses are integrity and courageous authenticity. Let’s take some time to explore them in more detail.
Make your list When you lead authentically, you need to know your values, ethics, and principles. You need to get clear on who you are, what you stand for and what you believe in. You must know what is important to you and what hill you will die on. Live your list The list of values, beliefs and principles are critical, but it is only a list. Without acting on that list, you are not courageously authentic or leading with integrity. You must lead and live that list. You need to take each of those standards and follow them every single day. When you do that, it’s said that you have morals. Your list of values and ethics become living actions. They become your day-to-day behavior, your ways, and your attitudes. How do you measure up? Leaders who live with high authentic leadership don't gossip, don't talk behind people's backs, and act the same way in a crisis as they do any other time. Consider the following points and see how you measure up.
Leading with courageous authenticity and integrity requires you to be yourself, at all times. That entails you removing the layers of protection you’ve built up, and uncovering who you are at your core. Then, you need to be vulnerable and be that person, regardless of what is going on and who is around. Want to learn more? You can learn more about leading with integrity by listening to this session. Then, start your list to live by downloading the guide which will help to identify your
If I asked you what your #1 job as a leader is, what would you say?
I reckon there are heaps of possible answers.
The 2 Biggies
Those are all important task of a leader. I believe though, with my whole heart, that to do more than just survive, that there 2 critical jobs or skills you must master. They are:
Leadership Competencies Over the last few weeks in the Excellence in Leadership series, we have been focusing improving yourself so that you can be an A+ Lady Leader. I’ve asked you to consider the skills you need to work on, to have the impact you desire. These skills hail from The Leadership Circle Profile. This is a 360 tool I use with my Lady Leaders who join the Women with Grit Program. The Leadership Circle measures a set of well-researched competencies that gauge how leaders achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance their own development, act with integrity, and encourage and improve organizational systems. Relating well to others is critical This week we are moving on to the set of abilities around Relating to others. Being strong in relating, is all about bringing out the best in people, groups, and organizations. A leader who is good at relating is
They see others as
Learn to put your focus on your people When you are good at relating you intentionally focus on people. You realize that as your people develop so does your team's capacity and thus your team success. Developing your team members goes back to what I stated at the beginning; a critical skill in leadership is the ability to grow others. However, to be good at relating you must accept both yourself and others. You can't only focus on being liked Some leaders find they struggle with relationships for a couple of reasons. First, they may be focused more on getting along with people, but so much so that it is at the cost of achieving results. If you find yourself here, you may tend to play it safe in relationships, sugarcoat messages and fail to speak up when necessary. You struggle to build effective relationships when it’s all about complying, pleasing and fitting in. It's not about controlling them either Alternately you may find yourself less of a pushover, and more controlling, Here you tell others what to do and don't ask for others opinions. You are a take-charge kind of gal who speaks directly and bluntly. You see relationships as a means to an end. You're nice, just to get the job done. If you find yourself in this situation, you might also notice that when you feel challenged and threatened by others, you become defensive. You may discount or ignore negative feedback.You aren't growing your team when you never let them do anything or make any mistakes. Finding the balance It is a balancing act to achieve high results and relate well others. As such, it takes practice to find that point where you can hold both a commitment to achieving high results and a focus on developing your people. Take the time to learn how to focus on your team members and you'll see them grow, so you can achieve the results.
To grow yourself in the area of relating well to others, focus on the following 5 skills :
Try this language
If you are committed to growing your ability to relate well to your team so that you bring out the best in them, here are some examples of things you may say to them.
Do more than just survive leadership To do more than just survive leadership, remember to focus on both growing yourself and growing others. As you focus on developing strong relationships with your team and using those relationships to bring out the best in them, you'll begin to thrive as a leader. As you blossom, so will your team members and as a result, you'll find your group achieving those high results. Want to learn more? You can learn more here by listening to this session on how you can increase your skills for relating to others. Then, apply the skills with your team by downloading the guide which will help to bring out the best in your team.
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May 2024