As we move into a new year, many of us are setting goals and trying to figure out how to make them stick. Let’s be honest. They won’t. 80 - 90 % of New Year’s resolutions fail. Do you know why? It’s because you are focused on the goal, not the system you need to achieve those goals. Keep reading to find out how to make sure you are one of the 10% who is successful this year! The goal of losing weight was the same goal for the lady who did it and the one who didn’t. The difference was that one lady made a HABIT of eating healthy and created a SYSTEM for making sure she exercised several times a week. It has nothing to do with the goal you set. It’s how much you focus on HOW you will reach that goal. It’s all about routines, habits, systems and having the self-discipline to follow through on the routines, habits and system. The first thing you need to look at is WHY you want to achieve this goal. That comes down to your values. If you want to get to inbox zero by the end of each week, that might be because you believe it’s respectful to reply to people within a reasonable time. It could be about efficiency or productivity. It may also be connected to wellness. If you haven’t defined and made sense of what your values mean to you, it’s hard to stick to your goals. Losing weight may be about fitting into that dress before the wedding, it could also be about preventing diabetes that runs in your family.
To help you develop the habits, systems and routines to meet your goals as well as the self-discipline to follow through, I’ve attached some of my favourite books. These will help you get clear and develop that ability to achieve your goals this year!
What do you want more of? As we start to contemplate the coming year, set goals and make New Years Resolutions, you've probably thought about more of something. If you want greater success at achieving that this year, try doing the following before the end of the year to get MORE! What do you want MORE of?
Why do you want more? Perhaps a better question is WHY? Why do you want more of that? Why does that matter that you have more of that? More Health? WHY? If you want to be healthier in 2019, consider for a minute why you want to be healthier.
Your why is connected to your values The reason behind why you want to achieve something is that it's important to you. You value it. You may value your health, your relationship with your kids or your grandchildren or you may value self-compassion and are finding you haven't been too kind to your physical well-being lately. Regardless of what you will set for New Years Resolutions or goals, knowing WHY those are important to you will help you be much more successful. Let me show you how it works: Here are some goals I've had over the last few years.
My top value is Excellence. I used to think that meant good grades and being the best, smartest or quickest. Exploring my values has helped me to understand how the value of excellence shows up in my life and how it can help me to achieve my goals. Here is how I define my value of excellence:
When I have done the work to get clear on my core values, I can then be better able to set goals for 2019 that will stick. What does this mean for you? Here's what you need to do:
If you need help with identifying, defining and clarifying your values, grab the Values Verification course today. Schedule in a couple of hours to work on it in the next few days. Then, use your new understanding of your values to set goals for 2019! Whether you do this on your own, or with the help of the Values Verification course, I'd love to hear how you are using your values to set goals for 2019! Shoot me an email and tell me what you've learned about how to make 2019 goals that stick! I know I'll be looking at where I can excel next...I suspect that will be in The Training Library as I strive to give you my best, so you can be your best in both leadership and in life! This course helps you verify your values If you want help doing the work of defining your values, click here to find a Values Verification course which is part of my membership site, The Training Library. When you join The Training Library, you will get the leadership training you need when you need it. Here is a quick quiz for you to rank how well you are doing in contributing to your wellbeing. Do work to do these 5 core elements of well-being?
If you wish for more wellbeing and happiness, you might want to increase your focus on these components. I'll give you some ideas of how to do that below! It starts with Positive Psychology. What's Positive Psychology got to do with wellbeing? Lots! Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, says that when you practice these 5 things, (The PERMA model of well-being), you bring order to the chaos of your life. While these 5 components don't define well-being he says, they contribute to it.
3 steps to help you impact your wellbeing! When you focus on these 5 components, you'll be doing both. Here are the steps for doing that. .......... √ Be intentional
Other factors that contribute to your well-being Tom Rath, whom I mentioned above, wrote not only the Strength's Finder, but also a book called Eat, Move Sleep: How small choices lead to big changes. Tom knows that these are the foundations for being able to do the others: Feel positive emotions, be engaged in what you are doing, have strong relationships, contribute something meaningful in your life and accomplish good things. Don't forget to take care of yourself! This time of year can be tough on your sense of well-being! This can be an incredibly stressful time for many of us. I've fallen apart many times in December; physically, emotionally, spiritually and in my relationships. Each year I work to add new habits, routines and practices to ensure I enjoy December more and more. And do you know what? It's working!
Work on the 5 components of PERMA, and you'll be contributing to your well-being!
We all know that self-care is important, but do YOU practice self-care AT WORK? Yes, I want to know if you practice self-care AT WORK?? We think self-care can only happen AFTER WORK
Self-care is often seen as taking a bath in the evening, going for a massage and of course, trips to warm sunny locations. Self-care AT WORK looks like this:
🗣Self-care is preached: Do you have policies about self-care? Maybe you even have a wellness committee. Perhaps your organization has yoga mats with your logo on them. Mine did years ago. We KNOW that self-care is important. But.... ❌Self-care is NOT practiced: Think about it for a minute. Is it ok to practice self-care in your workplace? Or does it feel weird to do self-care activities?
🚫Self-care may even be taboo! If you were to take a 10-minute nap at your desk and someone walked in and "caught" you, would you feel as though you had just done something wrong? It shouldn't be that way, should it? It's up to you to change the culture of your organization! Women like us crave self-care. It's more than knowing it's important; We want to put it into practice for ourselves and our teams. We want to role model it, encourage others to take care of themselves. We want to let our team know that it's safe to practice self-care, acceptable and even encouraged. It takes moral courage to change cultures Last week. I talked about moral courage. That's the courage to do the right thing, even if it is scary, awkward and goes against the grain. Moral courage is knowing what is right and wrong or ethical and then having the courage to act on that awareness. We all know the right thing to do, is to take care of ourselves. My challenge to you If you are a woman leader, like most of us, you are ready to change your team. I challenge you to add self-care into your WORKDAY and to encourage those around you to do the same. Let me know how it goes!!! |
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