Olympic medals are not won on race day. They are won by countless trips to the gym, day-after-day.
In the same way, you don’t write down a goal to be a better leader and magically become that leader someday. Instead, you take tiny actions day-by-day. But what actions? in this Facebook Live session learn more about the thing you need to schedule in now, to find more peace in your day always. Don't forget to grab the Guide Sheet - My Favourite Productivity Books! LINKS from today's session
Ok, my dear, you’ve got some goals set and have made a plan of how you are going to achieve them. But….did you include this step?
On this Facebook Live session I am going to tell you the one step you need to make sure that you include in your personal and professional strategic plan so you can thrive in both your leadership and in life!
LINKS from today's session
Discover more about the upcoming goal setting intensive classes in THE TRAINING ROOM Get the GUIDE SHEET: A sneak peek into Blueprint for Change Join BLUEPRINT FOR CHANGE Join the CONFIDENT WOMEN LEADER'S Group here Find MY BOOK - Mastering Confidence: Discover your leadership potential by awakening your inner guidance system It takes work to move out of survival mode and start to thrive more in your leadership and life. It won’t happen by wishing things were different. To experience a thriving state, you must create specific goals and then devise a plan to achieve those goals. That strategy will keep you going when you have crappy days. By having a plan in place, you will stay motivated, even when you are tired and overwhelmed. In this blog, I am going to tell you the advanced step to take that will put you ahead of your colleagues and have you enjoying leadership and life way more! The steps to create your personal and professional strategic plan 1) Decide you’ve had enough Don’t waste your time if you aren’t serious. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but intentional change isn’t for the faint of heart. You need to decide that you are not only tired of survival mode, but you have to be willing to take responsibility to take action. That means no more blaming, finger-pointing or playing the victim. I won’t disagree that there are people in your life driving you crazy. Yes, you may have more work on your plate than any one person can do. But no one else is going to start being more agreeable to you randomly, and no one will just randomly take work off your plate because you wish they would. You, my dear, need to take action. Do this: Make a list of the things you have been tolerating but are unwilling to put up with any more. For example, you may have decided there will be no more:
Use this list of things you won’t tolerate any more to propel yourself forward. 2) Create your plan You now know what you don’t want, but what do you want? Your plan should include:
3) ADVANCED STEP - Start a document to track next action steps and progress on your goals Writing down your goals and a strategic plan are huge steps! If you’ve done this, please congratulate yourself! Very few women get this far. There is one more step that so many miss taking when they develop their strategy for intentional change. That missed step is a tracking piece. As you work on your goals and move your way through the coming months, it can be easy to lose sight of what you are trying to achieve. In the midst of daily tasks, meetings, and emails your goals can get lost in the shuffle. To keep them alive, create a review document and a system for coming back to that document regularly. This document should have next actions steps to keep you on track. I suggest doing this weekly if you can.
Setting goals that stick so that you can advance yourself personally and professional takes work. It’s not a one-time event. Put the time in to create your written goals, plans and develop a review document. When you do, you’ll find your self intentionally making some of the changes you need to move from surviving to thriving in both your leadership and your life!
You'll have an amazing year, when you take action on your goals.
You are ready right?
Overcome that inner doubt, fear, and hesitation when you learn the powerful action step necessary in this session,
This Facebook Live session will not only teach you how to take necessary action to achieve your goals even when you are scared. It will also give you a privileged sneak peek into the upcoming Blueprint for Change course that will help you strategically change the direction of your life, giving you both the motivation and the plan to take the necessary steps.
LINKS from the session
Get the GUIDE SHEET: A sneak peek into Blueprint for Change Discover how you can strategically change the direction of your life https://www.myblueprintforchange.com Join the CONFIDENT WOMEN LEADER'S Group here Find MY BOOK on Amazon Mastering Confidence: Discover your leadership potential by awakening your inner guidance system Listen to it on Audible here
Moving into 2018 most of us have a bit of extra energy and enthusiasm to make the new year different, better or somehow different than it was last year. Beware though, that excitement will fade in a few short weeks as New Year’s Resolutions drop by the wayside.
This Facebook Live helps you to learn the 3 strategic steps you need to take now, to keep that energy and excitement alive throughout 2018.
LINKS from today's session
Discover how you can strategically change the direction of your life with My Blueprint for Change Join the CONFIDENT WOMEN LEADER'S Group here Get the GUIDE SHEET: A Strategic Look Back Get the GUIDE SHEET: Create your Powerful Vision Get the GUIDE SHEET: The 5 Mistakes Ladies Make When Trying to Change Their Life Find MY BOOK- Mastering Confidence: Discover your leadership potential by awakening your inner guidance system |
Available on Amazon
November 2024